
When teeth become sensitive, what factors contribute?

When you have sensitive teeth, you may find it difficult to enjoy hot or cold meals and drinks without experiencing discomfort. The condition can also make it difficult to chew food and, in extreme situations, even to speak clearly. If you have any further questions or want to make an appointment with a denturist in BC.

A wide variety of medical, dental, and hygiene issues can lead to teeth that are overly sensitive. Understanding the reasons for dental sensitivity is essential for treating and avoiding the condition.

Several things might produce sensitive teeth, but the most common ones are:

1: Acidic Foods

Damage to teeth and gums can result from food caught between teeth. This is especially accurate when talking about acidic beverages and foods. The enamel on your teeth gradually wears away due to the acidity of the food you eat, exposing the pulp of your tooth.

Acidic meals and drinks include lemons, pineapples, tomato sauce, and coffee or red wine. To protect teeth from acidic meals, clean them twice a day after eating.

2. Methodical Brushing

Tooth enamel can be worn down by too much abrasive brushing despite its resilience. When brushing and flossing, don’t damage your gums and teeth. Too much pressure during brushing can cause damage to the gums and teeth, resulting in pain and bleeding.

To clean your teeth and gums thoroughly and gently, your dentist may suggest using an electric toothbrush. Another option is to switch to a toothbrush with softer or medium bristles.

3. Clenching Your Jaws or Grinding Your Teeth

Teeth grinding, especially when sleeping, is a less-known cause of dental sensitivity. Grinding can wear away enamel, exposing the tooth’s nerve. You should see a dentist if you grind your teeth in your sleep or under pressure. The dentist could suggest sleeping with a mouthguard.

4. Excessive Use of Mouthwash

Many brands of mouthwash are alcoholic beverages. Drinking too much alcohol can weaken your teeth and make them more sensitive. Dentists can give you specific instructions on how often you should rinse your mouth. Choose an alcohol-free fluoride brand if you find that using mouthwash causes persistent irritation.

5. Coexisting Dental Problems

Many different things can cause your teeth to be extra sensitive. Sensitive teeth may be a symptom of preexisting oral health issues. There are many potential reasons for sensitive teeth, but some of the most prevalent ones include the following:

  • The rotting of teeth

  • Formation of Plaque

  • Gingival recession

  • Chronic sinusitis