
Pediatrician’s guide to your child’s growth and development


Welcome to our simple yet comprehensive guide. We’ll discuss your child’s growth and development. Carrie Jones MD, a respected pediatrician, shares some easy-to-understand insights. These insights offer a roadmap to your child’s journey. Think of it like a seed sprouting into a tree. This guide will help you navigate each stage with confidence. Let’s dive in.

Growth and Development: A Quick Overview

Children grow at a quick pace. This growth is both physical and mental. It’s like a small sapling growing into a large, sturdy tree. It takes time and care.

Physical Growth

Physical growth is easy to see. We measure height and weight. But there’s more to it. Let’s look at the CDC’s growth charts.

Age Average Height Average Weight
1 year 29.2 inches 21.1 pounds
2 years 34.2 inches 27.5 pounds

Every child grows at their own pace. Remember, these numbers are averages. They are not set in stone.

Mental Growth

Mental growth is about learning and social skills. It’s like learning to navigate. There are key milestones. We’ll discuss these next.


Milestones are like checkpoints. They show how a child is growing. Here are some examples:

  • Six months: smiles, responds to sounds
  • One year: says simple words, crawls

Again, these are averages. Every child is unique.

How to Support Your Child’s Growth

Children need support. They need a healthy diet. They need sleep. They need to play and learn. It’s like watering a plant. With care, it grows strong.

When to See a Pediatrician

If you’re worried about your child’s growth, talk to a pediatrician. They’re like a guide. They can help you understand the journey. They can answer your questions. And they can offer advice.

Carrie Jones MD reminds us that every child is unique. They grow at their own pace. They reach milestones in their own time. And that’s okay.


Remember, growth is a journey. It takes time. It takes patience. And it takes care of. With love and support, your child will grow into a strong, healthy individual.