Dental Care

Orthodontic Solutions in Calgary Can Transform Your Smile and Oral Health

Orthodontic Solutions in Calgary

Orthodontic solutions have come a long way in recent years, offering innovative and effective treatments to address various dental issues. In Calgary, residents have access to a wide range of orthodontic options that can significantly transform their smiles and improve their oral health. From traditional braces to modern alternatives like Invisalign, Calgary’s orthodontic experts are equipped to provide personalized care that meets the unique needs of each patient.

The Importance of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is not only about esthetics, which is extremely important, but it also stands as a method of preventive health care. Crooked teeth mean there are areas where you can efficiently not brush your teeth properly and therefore are prone to other dental diseases such as cavities and tartar. Also, incorrect positioning of the upper teeth can result to the uneven wear of the teeth to a point that they may begin falling off early together with jaw pains.

Orthodontic solutions relate to these problems enabling the teeth to be properly aligned to facilitate adequacy and beauty. Orthodontic treatment is needed for solving issues with the alignment of teeth so that the patient’s bite is functional and reduced risk for dental trauma and improved oral hygiene.

Traditional Braces

Traditional Braces: A Time-Tested Solution

This option is arguably the most well-known among both, patients in Calgary and the global population, as well as the most effective in treating many patients. This comprises of metal braces and wires that are bonded to the teeth and others fixed around the teeth and adjusted to create space and proper alignment of teeth. It is incredibly efficient at fixing most anomalies that can be present in a person’s teeth, such as complicated misalignment, overcrowding of the teeth or improper bite.

The main benefit of traditional braces is that they allow the doctor to effectively control tooth’s movement and its position. The orthodontist can also revisit his patients periodically to rectify the situation and guarantee that the position of the teeth is going as planned and in time create the intended effect. Unlike some of the contemporary orthodontic appliances, traditional braces may be more visible; however, they tend to be very effective and may be the most appropriate for complicated cases. See the different kinds of braces here.

Invisalign: The Clear Alternative

Invisalign has revolutionized the field of orthodontics with its clear aligner system. Made from medical-grade thermoplastic, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them an attractive option for both adults and teenagers who are concerned about the appearance of traditional braces. Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit each patient’s teeth and are designed to be worn for 20-22 hours a day.

The Invisalign treatment process begins with a digital scan of the patient’s teeth, which is used to create a 3D model. This model allows orthodontists to plan the entire treatment journey, from the initial position of the teeth to the final desired outcome. Patients receive a series of aligners, each to be worn for about one to two weeks before moving on to the next set in the series. This gradual approach ensures gentle and controlled movement of the teeth.

Invisalign offers several benefits beyond aesthetics. The aligners are removable, allowing patients to eat their favorite foods without restrictions and maintain excellent oral hygiene. Additionally, Invisalign aligners tend to be more comfortable than traditional braces, as they do not have metal brackets or wires that can cause irritation.

Lingual Braces: Hidden Behind the Teeth

Basically, for anyone who needs treatment that is as effective as traditional braces but with little to no visibility, lingual braces are a realistic option. Lingual braces are similar to the normal braces made of metal; however, the brackets and wires are placed at the posterior of the teeth such that they are not even visible from the front. Due to their covert nature lingual braces are ideal for patients who prefer not to wear conventional braces for orthodontic treatment but need major work to be done. Visit to know more about lingual braces.

As for some disadvantages of lingual braces, they are still very easy to clean, but they can be more challenging as compared to the regular braces Because of the tongue’s direct contact with the braces, there might be some discomfort at the onset of treatment, particularly when the tongue adapts to the presence of the braces on the lingual side. It should also be noted that the Calgary orthodontists are familiar with the proper procedure of placing lingual braces and adjusting them properly to gain the best outcome.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces: Aesthetic and Effective

Ceramic braces are somewhere in between the clear braces and normal braces in terms of noticeable appearance. Ceramic braces are Tooth-colored or Clear and due to this characteristic, they are less conspicuous as compared to metal braces. They act in the same way as ordinary braces: brackets are put to the teeth, and wires used to shift them into the right positions.

Ceramic braces are preferred by those clients who are embarrassed about wearing orthodontic appliances but nevertheless who continue to be loyal to their efficiency. They are most preferred in adults, and older teenagers bearing oral problems that need orthodontic treatments but do not want to appear in metal braces.

Early Orthodontic Intervention

Orthodontic solutions are not limited to teenagers and adults. Early orthodontic intervention, often referred to as interceptive orthodontics, can be highly beneficial for children. Family Braces – Calgary orthodontists recommend that children have their first orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven. Early intervention can help guide the growth and development of the jaw and teeth, addressing issues such as overcrowding and bite problems before they become more severe.

By starting treatment early, orthodontists can take advantage of a child’s natural growth patterns to achieve better results. This proactive approach can reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic treatment later in life and ensure a healthy, functional bite.


Orthodontic solutions in Calgary offer a variety of options to transform smiles and improve oral health. Whether opting for traditional braces, Invisalign, lingual braces, or ceramic braces, Calgary residents have access to expert orthodontic care tailored to their specific needs. These treatments not only enhance the appearance of the smile but also contribute to overall oral health by addressing alignment and bite issues.

Early orthodontic intervention and personalized treatment plans ensure that patients of all ages can achieve optimal results. By seeking orthodontic care in Calgary, individuals can enjoy the benefits of a beautiful, healthy smile and improved oral health for years to come.