Janessa Corkery

Dental Care

Overview of root canal therapy: Pros and cons explained

You have a tooth infection, and your dentist has recommended root canal treatment. Like many others, you are probably wondering whether the treatment is safe and whether you have to endure pain during the procedure. When you visit a dentist in...


Know-How Thermage Facial Therapy Works

  Anti-aging and wrinkle treatments are certainly on the radar of sleep-deprived working mums. Fortunately, thermage is a body and facial treatment that tightens and lifts the skin by increasing the production of collagen. It is a non-surgical process that makes use...


Why Opt for a Detoxification Program

When you first are looking for a Southern California rehab for you or a loved one, you may wonder what the initial process is going to be like. It could be overwhelming not knowing what to expect. However, when you're aware of...

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