Diamond Bechtelar


Everything To Know About Binge Drinking 

A person, who smokes continuously is known as a chain smoker. In the same way, the person, who prefers drinking alcohol continuously and makes his blood alcohol level reach 0.80 g/dl is known as an alcoholic or a binge drinker....


Three Benefits of Podiatry

A variety of conditions, injuries, and illnesses can affect the patient's foot and ankle. Common foot and ankle problems include plantar fasciitis, diabetes, foot ulcers, and sports injuries. This article will discuss the 3 main benefits of podiatry and answer some...


An In-Depth Guide to Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome (AWS) are the symptoms, which arise when a heavy alcoholic abruptly quits or dramatically reduces their alcohol intake. A person with alcohol withdrawal syndrome will experience physiological changes. It is one of the most obvious indications of alcoholism....

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