
Why Clear Aligners Are Better Than Metal Braces

You have been delaying orthodontic treatment because you would not have been seen with metal brackets and wires covering your teeth instead.

Traditional braces may require years to effectively straighten your smile, during which time you must endure dietary restrictions, the never-ending challenge of brushing and flossing surrounding all those wires, and the humiliation of beaming with a mouth full of metal.

What if you could straighten your teeth using clear braces in Richmond that are nearly invisible and enable you to avoid traditional braces setbacks? Would you seize the chance? 

Why are Clear Aligners an excellent option?

  1. Hardly perceptible

When you smile, traditional braces are particularly noticeable. These metal wires and brackets stand in striking contrast to your natural teeth. Clear aligners are transparent, custom-made dental trays worn over the teeth to seal them delicately. Most people will not even note that you are wearing them!

  1. Removable

Getting married? Performing a photo shoot? Consuming maize on the cob? Clear aligners feature removable retainers that can be popped off whenever necessary. Enjoy your favored foods and always maintain a picture-perfect smile for photos.

  1. Simple Dental Care

The removable containers also permit normal tooth brushing and flossing. No longer will you require specialized toothbrushes and flossers to maneuver around those minuscule brackets and cables. Saves you time and a few inconveniences.

  1. No Dietary Restriction

Enjoy maize on the cob? Enjoy apple eating? Who can resist movie theater popcorn, anyway (who has that much willpower)? Since there are no fragile brackets, you can consume whatever you desire! True liberty.

  1. Metal-Free

Not only are traditional metal braces unattractive, but a small percentage of individuals have metal allergies and, therefore, cannot use them. Clear plastic aligners are the ideal alternative for individuals with metal sensitivities.

  1. Fewer scheduled events

You are extremely occupied, and every minute is valuable. With transparent aligners, you only need to visit the dentist every four to six weeks. In addition, anyone who has undergone traditional orthodontics knows that their appointments are frequently filled with being poked and prodded by wires. Clear aligners present no difficulty.

  1. Solace

Those who use conventional braces may develop scars on the insides of their cheekbones as a result of the sharp wires catching the delicate skin. In contrast, aligner trays made of smooth plastic will not damage the inside of your mouth.

  1. Special event accommodating

Do not put off straightening your teeth because you have an upcoming event that requires your appearance to be free of orthodontic appliances. With transparent aligners, the trays can always be removed for special occasions. Perhaps you are getting married this year; nuptials can be stressful, but with removable clear aligners, you will have just one less thing to worry about!