Dental Care

Why Orthodontic Retainers Are Important Post Braces

retainers Easton

In the world of orthodontics, braces get a lot of the spotlight. Yet, an unsung hero quietly makes a big impact – retainers. After your braces journey, a new chapter begins with retainers Easton. These retainers, often overlooked, play a crucial role in maintaining that perfect smile you’ve worked so hard to achieve. Let’s delve into why these humble devices are more than worth your attention.

Role of Retainers

Retainers are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in place after surgery or any method of realigning teeth. They are most often used before or after dental braces to keep teeth in position while assisting in the adjustment of the surrounding gums to changes in the bone.

Why Are Retainers Needed?

Retainers are necessary to combat the natural tendency of teeth to drift back towards their original position. This is known as relapse. Retainers, when worn as instructed, can successfully prevent this relapse.

 Important Post Braces

Types of Retainers

There are three types of retainers: Hawley, clear plastic, and fixed retainers. Hawley retainers have a metal wire that surrounds the six anterior teeth with an acrylic arch that sits in the palate (roof of the mouth). The metal wires can be adjusted to finish treatment and continue minor movement of the anterior teeth as needed.

Comparison Table of Retainer Types

Retainer Type Materials Advantages Disadvantages
Hawley Retainer Wire and Acrylic Adjustable, Durable Visible wire
Clear Plastic Retainer Clear Plastic Invisible, Comfortable Not Adjustable, Less Durable
Fixed Retainer Wire Permanent, Invisible Hard to clean, Can damage teeth if not maintained

Retainers require a certain amount of attention and excellent oral hygiene because the metal wires scratch the enamel surface of your teeth, which can lead to tooth decay.

Life with a Retainer

Life with a retainer can be a small adjustment. It’s important to clean your retainer daily. Also, do not forget to remove it when eating and always keep it in its case when not in use.


Retainers play a critical role in your orthodontic journey. They ensure that you retain that beautiful smile achieved through braces. Always remember, the journey to a perfect smile doesn’t end when braces come off – your retainer is there to ensure it lasts a lifetime!